Review EOS New Adult Blue Circle Lens


Hey guys, okay? I hope so! - It's good to show up sometimes, right? Well, now we have more time for posts, since I'm not working at the time and the holidays are almost here (celebrate, holidays), but remember that you have the relationship, that in the beginning everyone wants to stay close and then spoils with the rest of life and commitments HAHAHA. Anyway, today is review (love it), that after a long time of receiving the lenses, got time to do. The lenses had already arrived, but I was not living in Guaporé, it took a little while for me to have them in my hands and take the time to do the post. I managed to get a few pictures with it because of the commitments of the day,  I can not always keep the lenses, but got some nice clicks to show these little beauties for you.



That I love to circle lens is nothing new to you. Of all the lenses I've used, the circle lens are and will always be my favorite! - About the New EOS Adult Blue, they are very comfortable, fit perfectly in the eye and give that natural air, is not looking fake and this is very good. Yes, they increase the size of the eye, but even so the color is not as flashy and keeps giving natural air.

Origin: Korea

Diameter: 15.0mm

Base Curve: 8.6mm

Duration: 1 year

Water: 55%


Não fiz as comparações que costumo fazer porque estou sem a Nikon em Porto Alegre e com o celular a imagem não fica 100%, mas já da pra notar a diferença pelas fotos acima. Existem outras cores disponíveis, uma mais linda que a outra! Gostaram?!



It was great to kill the longing for you and BM and I hope to be back soon.

A big kiss for you and goodbye!

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